Crossover Jets Market Report 2021


The full report can be downloaded from here.

TrueNoord has recently released a new ‘Crossover Jets Market Report’ which considers the drivers that will impact the market potential of these aircraft. Angus von Schoenberg, TrueNoord Industry Officer, gives an overview, “The report highlights how crossover jets could become the ideal platform in a post-pandemic environment. Pre-COVID, aviation was growing at roughly 5% per annum, so the challenge was not so much filling seats but rather it was driving cost-per-seat down. The solution at the time was to grow capacity per aircraft to lower seat-mile costs, however, COVID has changed all of that.

As we’ve seen, passenger demand has plunged and may take years to recover. In the short term this has led to cost-per-trip becoming king. So, airlines that have a choice of aircraft types they can operate, are tending to favour smaller units. Crossover jets allow you to reduce capacity, while at the same time maintaining reasonable frequency and preserving slots, once the temporary slot rule waivers go. This report explores many of those dynamics, a trend which is increasingly known as rightsizing.

Furthermore, we shouldn’t forget the other big challenge facing our industry today, that of the environment. The report examines how these aircraft compare to existing large regional jets and mainstream narrowbodies and shows that the reduced emissions from fuel burn efficiency could make crossover jets parts of the solution rather than part of the problem in years to come.”

In this interview, Aviation journalist, Bernie Baldwin speaks to the author of the report, Angus von Schoenberg, about his findings.


31 May 2021